Best practices for taking photos of Wall Art issues

  • Updated

Here are a few best practices for taking photos of problems with your Wall Art order. If Blurb’s Customer Support team sent you to this page, follow the tips below and send your photos as attachments to your reply message. Two or three photos will be enough—we don’t usually need more than that!

1. Shoot in good light

Make sure you take your photo with sufficient natural light. Near a window (but in indirect light) is usually best.

2. Avoid glare

Avoid glare, which may distort the color or cover up whatever issue you're trying to show us. 

3. Show the entire product

Make sure the entire Wall Art print appears in your photo. If you also want to include a close-up photo of the problem, that’s fine. Just make sure to send us at least one photo showing the entire print.

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