Preview your PDF before upload

  • Updated

Before you upload your PDF (using either the Blurb plug-in for InDesign or the Blurb PDF Uploader) you should carefully review each page of your PDF. Blurb does not review or edit your files before they go to print.

While Blurb is unable to review files for you, there are several things you can do to ensure the best possible results (and no unpleasant surprises when your printed book arrives in the mail).

1. View your exported PDF correctly

  • Follow our recommend view settings to make sure any page spreads display correctly.
  • Zoom in to 200% to check the quality.

2. Check your bleed layouts

  • Make sure your full-bleed layouts go all the way to the page edge and not just the trim edge. See our help center article on full-bleed layouts.
  • If you don't lay out your bleeds correctly your PDF (and your printed book) may have a white edge, as in this example:


3. Mind the trim and safe zones

  • Make sure your important content won't be trimmed off by keeping content inside the trim lines. Our InDesign plug-in has guides to help you. 
  • For PDFs not made with our plug-in, use the trim and bleed settings on our specifications page.
  • If uploading via our PDF uploader, also use the guides in the PDF preview after the upload completes.

4. Proofread, proofread, proofread

It doesn't hurt to have a friend or colleague look things over, too.

5. Consider a proof copy

  • If you plan to order multiple copies, we recommend you order and review a single Blurb-printed copy first.  This proof copy can help avoid costly mistakes in case you overlooked any layout issues or typos.
  • Remember, you are entirely responsible for the content and layout of your book. Blurb does not review or edit your file at any point and we can't cancel or change in-progress orders. (You have an approximate three hour window to self-cancel your order).

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