Minimum payment thresholds

  • Updated

Congratulations on your book sales! Payments are made monthly if your balance for completed sales meets the minimum thresholds below.

Payments are processed in the first half of each month, for the previous month's profits. For example, if you met the profit threshold for sales in June, the payment for those June earnings would be processed by mid July.

U.S. dollars (USD) $25

If you select U.S. dollars as your payment currency, you can choose to be paid via check or PayPal, and you will receive a payment in U.S. dollars after every month you make $25 or more in book profits. If you earn less than $25, your profits roll over to the following month.

Canadian dollars (CAD) $25

If you select Canadian dollars as your payment currency, you will be paid via PayPal in Canadian dollars after every month you make CAD $25 or more in book profits. If you earn less than CAD $25, your profits roll over to the following month.

British pounds (GBP) £12.5

If you select GBP as your payment currency, you will be paid via PayPal in GBP after every month you make £12.50 or more in book profits. If you earn less than £12.50, your profits roll over to the following month.

Euros (EUR) €17,5

If you select euros as your payment currency, you will be paid via PayPal in euros after every month you make €17,50 or more in book profits. If you earn less than €17,50, your profits roll over to the following month.

Australian dollars (AUD) $30

If you select AUD as your payment currency, you will be paid via PayPal in AUD after every month you make $30 or more in book profits. If you earn less than $30, your profits will roll over to the following month. 

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