All books are stored locally on the computer you originally used to create the book. They are not stored on Blurb's site until you upload them for ordering.
To find your book on the computer you created it with, open BookSmart on that computer and you should see your book in the list under Open a book or Open Book Project.
Still can't find your book?
You may have changed the location of your book project since you last worked on it. Here's a workaround that helps you find your book project and move it into the right directory to be opened by BookSmart.
- Start a new book in BookSmart and name it “TestTitle”.
- Run a search on your computer to see where BookSmart created the TestTitle folder. Follow the instructions for your operating system below.
On a Mac
Hold down option while you click Go > Library on the Finder menu. The default location for BookSmartData is in the Application Support folder.
On a PC
the default location for BookSmartData is PC > Documents > BookSmartData. - Then search for the folder that contains your old book project. The folder should have the same name as your book, even if that name is “untitled".
- Drag that entire old book project folder so that it's alongside--but not inside--the”TestTitle” folder (within the same BookSmartData folder).
- Be sure you move the entire book project folder--the folder with the same name as your book and all the files inside it.
- If you don't move the entire book project folder and everything in it, BookSmart won't be able to open your book.
- Open BookSmart, select Open Existing Book and your old project should be in the list of books to open.