Convert CMYK image to sRGB

  • Updated

What color space should my images be?
If you're using BookWright, BookSmart, or Blurb's iOS app for your project, your images should be either JPG or PNG files in the sRGB color space. Most images are already in sRGB since that's the default setting for digital cameras and phones.

If you're using our InDesign Plug-in, Lightroom, or PDF to Book workflow your images can be CMYK or RGB of any profile.

If your image turned black when it was dropped into an image container in BookSmart, chances are that it's a CMYK image that needs to be converted to sRGB.

How to change the color space of an image
You can change the color space using a third-party image editing program or via a third-party online convertor. Most image editing programs will enable you to change the color space of your images. Be sure to select sRGB when converting. 


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