BookSmart gives you a great deal of control over page numbering (pagination). You can apply page numbers to a single page, to all right-hand pages, to all left-hand pages, to all pages, or to none whatsoever.
Add or customize page numbers
When you start a BookSmart book, page numbers are automatically added to your book. You can customize the display so that they only show on the left-hand or right-hand pages, or you can remove them completely.
Click inside the footer on one of your pages. Footers can not be superimposed over an image, so layouts with image containers flush to the edge will not have this option. Once you have clicked inside the text container footer, options with drop-down menus should appear.
Change font, size, color of page numbers
You can customize the font size and color of your page numbers here by using the font dropdown controls near the top of the screen.
Start page numbering after Page 1
Let's say you want to start your page numbering somewhere after Page 1 so that your introduction pages can have roman numerals. Navigate to the page on which you want numbering to begin and select Format > Start Pagination Here. This will make whatever page you're currently on become Page 1.
Delete page numbers
Click into the footer where the page number appears, choose None from the Show dropdown menu, then select All pages from the Apply to dropdown menu.
Add page numbers as a last step
Adding page numbers should be one of the last steps in your book-design process, as changing the order of your pages may not result in automatic re-pagination. As always, be sure to check your book in Preview Mode as the last thing you do before upload to ensure that pages are numbered accurately.