Image resolution guidelines

  • Updated

Blurb's image requirements by book-making tool

Image guidelines for BookWright

Image guidelines for BookSmart

What does the image resolution warning mean?

If you see an image resolution warning while using one of our book-making tools, that means the image is too small for the container you've placed it in. It won't print well if you leave it as-is. 

What WON'T the image resolution warning detect?

The image resolution warning cannot detect if your images are too dark, blurry, grainy or pixellated to print well. It's your responsibility to make sure your images are suitable for printing. (Hint: start with the 200% test).

How to make the warning go away

You can decrease the size of the image on the page or use a different image altogether. Some of our book-making tools allow you to auto-fix the issue with the click of a button.

What will my images look like in print?

The best way to determine how your images look in print is to order a single Blurb-printed copy of your project. You can also check out our article on how to get the best image quality, including the 200% zoom test.


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