Can I cancel or change my order?

  • Updated

Need to cancel or change your order?

  • You can cancel an order yourself, within three hours of placing it, by following the steps below. After that three-hour window ends, the order is sent into production and can't be cancelled. 
  • Customer support can't cancel orders for you. You must sign in to your Blurb account and cancel the order yourself within the three-hour window.
  • The contents of your book or wall art can't be changed after you have placed your order. But you can cancel the order within the three-hour window, make changes, and upload/order the new version.

How to cancel your order

Our customer support can't cancel orders for you but you can do so yourself within three hours of placing the order. Here's how: 

1. Sign in to your Blurb account and click My Orders.

2. Locate the order you want to cancel. 

  • If you see the word Pending beside your order, continue to step 3.
  • If it says In Production the cancellation window has passed and it's too late to cancel the order. 

3. Click the order number. 

4. Click the Cancel Order button then click Cancel this order. This will immediately cancel and refund the order.

If you cancelled because you wanted to make changes, upload your new version then place a new order for the revised copy.

Additional details

  • Only printed products can be cancelled and refunded. Digital products cannot be cancelled or refunded. If you cancel an order with both printed products and digital items, the digital items will not be refunded.
  • Cancelled orders are refunded immediately. However, your bank may take 5 business days or more to process the refund. 
  • The content of your Blurb publication is 100% up to you. Be sure to review your book carefully before you upload and order it. 
  • Remember, Blurb's customer support team can't cancel orders for you. Only you can, and only within the three-hour window.

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