How is a Layflat book different from a Photo Book?

  • Updated

This article explains the differences between Blurb's Layflat books and perfect-bound books.

You can create a Layflat book in any of our Photo Book sizes. Here are some key differences in the paper and binding compared to our perfect-bound books: 

  • Layflat books can open totally flat without damaging the binding. This makes them ideal for page spreads (where an image prints across two facing pages).
  • Layflat books can have 20 to 110 pages. Perfect-bound Photo Books can have 20 to 240 or 20 to 440, depending on the paper type.
  • Layflat books use Premium Lustre, Mohawk Superfine Eggshell, or Mohawk Prophoto Pearl paper.
    • Layflat pages are glued back to back with a thin insert, so each page is ultra thick. For more information, visit the pricing page:
  • Layflat books use one continuous sheet of paper for each page spread (for example, pages 2 and 3 are a single sheet of paper) folded down the center and glued to the next spread, instead of individual pages glued into the binding. This makes Layflat books ideal for showcasing photos that run across two facing pages. 
  • Layflat books can have an ImageWrap hard cover only. Perfect-bound books can have an ImageWrap hard cover, a dust jacket hard cover, or a softcover (depending on the book dimensions).
  • Our Layflat books don't have end sheets. They have a white sheet on the inside front cover and the inside back cover. This sheet is made of whatever Layflat paper you select. It can't be designed on or changed to another color.

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